Top 5 Things to Do to De-Stress And Unwind



Being a mum can be the most reward and most challenging job n the world. There are days when you feel like pulling your hair out and in a split second that little monster who put a roll of toilet roll down the toilet for the third time that day, turns around and tells you they love you and it was all but a distant memory... until the next time that is!

That being said its important for us mums to make time for ourselves. Too switch off, if even just for 10 minutes, to re charge our batteries and clear our heads so we can be the best possible parent to our children as we can be. So here is a list of my top 5 things to do to de-stress and unwind.

Not really the first thing that springs to mind for all those sleep deprived mamas out there, but going to the gym is one of the things that I love to do if I have been having particularly hard ay with the kids. Going to a Pilates session or even just a 20 minute walk in the fresh air can clear your head and even give you that extra bit of energy to deal with the challenges that may face you when you get back!

Catch up on other blogs
I love nothing more than sitting down in a nice quite room with a cuppa tea and a biscuit and catching up on some blogs. Having two children under 4 can be very demanding, especially when my eldest has autism, which means my free time can be very limited and even non existent on some days. So its nice to take a few minutes to sit down relax and have a nice 'warm' cup of tea and just catch up with what's going on with some of my favourite bloggers and also a bit of online shopping (shh don't tell Mr B!).

Get a facial/nails done
There is nothing that makes me feel better than a fresh set of painted nails. Some times when Harry is at playgroup I will ask my nanny to take James for an hour and go and have an hour to myself to get my nails done or have a facial. I feel like a new woman after I get this done and it really helps clear my head and put me in a better frame of mind to deal with the challenges of every day life.

Date Night
Often I be so caught up in looking after the children and attending to their needs my husband always gets pushed to the back of the queue when it comes to my attention so when possible I love to have a date night with him and just unwind and enjoy some time as a coupe. Whether that be going to the cinema, out for something to eat or even something as simple as going for a cup of coffee and a stroll around the town.

Have a Bath
Does anyone else just completely switch off when having a bath? (That is if you can avoid multiple kids trying to join you or sitting on a rubber duck!) Its so nice, especially after a challenging day, to run a nice warm bath, light a few candles, pop some relaxing music on and just chill out to your fingers and toes go all wrinkly.

So there you have it my top 5 things to do to de-stress and unwind! What do you enjoy doing when you feel like switching off or have a spare couple of child free hours??


  1. I've recently discovered the Yankee candles that smell like baby powder/baby bum and absolutely love popping one of those on to help me relax ^_^ x

    1. Ooo i forgot about that one! I got a mini one when my first baby was born and it was amazing! Must get another one, would be great for lighting before bed to help relax :) xx

  2. I could do with doing some of these. I find it so hard to switch off just lately! Im starting the gym in a few weeks so im hoping that'll help! Brillant post :)

    1. I know its so hard to switch of from being mum sometimes but even just 5 minutes can make such a difference. The gym will definitely help relive any tension and you will feel great for going..x

  3. Errrrr... I definitely don't do the gymming. I do love a Sunday night pamper session. Face mask, lush bath. I find it so relaxing and it really sets me up for the week. I'd love to get my mani and pedi done but havnt for ages. My tootsie's are looking pretty desperate xx

    1. I hate the thought of going to the gym but once Im there I feel 100x better. A pamper session sounds great right now. Havent done a proper pamper night in ages! x

  4. I hate gyms but a walk in fresh air always helps when I feel down or plain knackered. I have just had my hair done so, a big yes to that one, for sure!xx

    1. I love getting out in the fresh air as well, but our great Northern Irish weather usually lets me down 5 minutes into the walk haha! Talking of hair i must book myself in for next week! xx

  5. Who doesn't love to relax and unwind, great tips here. I have to add one, and that is reading ... haha! Im a bookworm and reading really helps me relax, I suppose blog reading as you said could be classed as reading too ;) x (

    1. I really wish I was a book reader.. I always start and never finish. Maybe thats a goal I should set myself, to read and finish a book. Any great read suggestions?? xx

  6. Yes, yes, yes for blog reading and baths! Not much time for anything else!

  7. Honestly I enjoy my nights off the most. Having a good night's sleep with no getting up at night.
    Other than that going into town on a shopping trip.

  8. date night and reading are my de-stressers. Oh and netflix of course haha xx

  9. I love having a bath. Half an hour where I can just zone out and hide away from everyone! I also love painting my nails and catching up on blogs too! xxx

  10. Great post! I have children with Autism too so know what you mean about little free time. I love reading blogs esp. If its the middle of the night and someone cant sleep, it makes me feel there's someone else out there...I know that sounds silly haha. I also love to write letters, draw and read. I do live baths but ad soon as I get in you can bet that someone needs me or the toilet!!!
