6 Sensory Play Activities For Kids


It's the weekend and what better way to spend it than with some quality time with the kids. Harry loves sensory play so over the weekend and next week I am going to make some sensory games with him and update you with what we made and how we got on in next weeks post. Here are some ideas of the types of...

Fashion Fridays #2 - Kids style inspo and outfits from the week


It's FRIDAY!! That means the weekend is almost here! Here is some baby weekend style inspiration and some of our looks from the week!  Wild one tee Star bib Beanie Moccasins  Leggings Scarf Teether A few of this weeks outfits.  If you have any questions about any of the...

Newborn Photography Shoot


I just absolutely love pictures. They capture so many precious memories for us to look back on. Before James was born I contacted a photographer to book James in for a newborn baby shoot for when he was only a few weeks old so that in years and even months later I can look back and cherish the memories of how...

Weaning Wednesday #2


On Sunday I decided to try James on some baby rice again after his 11am bottle. I still haven't got round to cleaning Harry's old high chair (bad mummy) so I just sat the pram up a bit and gave it to him in that. We made the baby rice up with a little bit of his usual milk and gave it a quick heat in the...

Ewan the Dream Sheep - Review


We were kindly sent a replacement Ewan, from sweet dreamers, after having battery troubles with our last one which would only last a day with high end batteries and then wouldn't work any more. Where do I start about Ewan?! I think he is just AMAZING and has been such a life saver. We had been using white...

Your Not Alone - Depression


Last night I stumbled across this blog post 'How to be a better mom while being exhausted' and it basically sums up exactly how I feel most Mornings in life. I am not a morning person and never have been, so when wakening up several times to a screaming baby in the middle of the night and then up early...

A little help for teething babies


James has hit the unavoidable teething stage. He has been teething for a while now but this past week or two he has been really unsettled with it. Here are a few things we have been trying and some signs of how to know if your baby is teething or not. Signs you baby may be teething: irritable and unsettled red...

Fashion Fridays #1 - Kids


The weekend is almost here! That flew pretty quickly. Harry is back to playgroup today so I have decided to use my time wisely and sort the boys clothes out and put the ones that don't fit anymore away into the attic. Harry didn't get too many clothes for Christmas or at his birthday in January so over the...

Ikea Bedroom Haul - Harry's Bedroom


How can my, just, 3 year old have outgrown his toddler bed already! When his grandparents got him a Thomas the tank engine bed for his second Christmas I thought it would at least last him two or three years surly! Oh how I was wrong as we only seemed to manage 13 months out of it! Harry loves to lye across the...